Subject: hybrid solution for process specification digests and CPP/CPA signatures
This note documents another concern, then makes a new proposal that I believe addresses everyone's outstanding concerns. Concern: A party to a CPA will generally want assurance that both parties have agreed to exactly the same set of process specifications. That assurance can be provided for each process specification by agreeing to the digest (and other) algorithms, along with the resulting digest value. However, there may be a problem with placing the digest information only in signatures, since signatures are applied to a CPA *after* the CPA is agreed to and the signatures may not be considered part of the agreement itself -- there arises the possibility of different digest information in different signatures, leading to various unnecessary complications. For one example amony many: 1. Parties A and B agree to a CPA 2. Party A signs 3. One of the referenced process specifications changes 4. Party B signs The following proposal meets all of my concerns by (1) ensuring that each ProcessSpecification reference, including digest and transform information, is uniquely defined within a CPP/CPA such that each party signs exactly the same form of exactly the same process specifications, and (2) allowing digests to be validated without requiring signatures. I believe it meets Chris' concerns by taking advantage of existing XML DSIG machinery to simplify implementation, while allowing but not requiring any additional implementation capabilities. I believe it meets Marty's desire to identify any altered process specifications that may have contributed to an invalid signature. Something for everyone! 1. Each ProcessSpecification element SHALL contain either (a) one ds:Reference element formulated according to the XML Digital Signature specification [XMLDSIG], or (b) one xlink:href attribute and one xlink:type attribute with a value of "locator". In case the document is signed, it SHOULD/MUST use the ds:Reference element. (Note that according to XMLDSIG, a Reference element MUST include one ds:DigestMethod and one ds:DigestValue element, and may include ds:Transform elements. Choice b allows the digest information to be omitted in case the document is unsigned. Eliminating choice b would be okay with me.) 2. In case a CPP/CPA is signed, each signature SHALL incorporate a verbatim copy of every ProcessSpecification element's ds:Reference element. 3. If a CPP/CPA Signature is found to be invalid, software MAY validate the Reference elements within that Signature to determine which ones, if any, contributed to the invalidity. 4. In case a CPP/CPA is unsigned, software MAY nonetheless validate the Reference elements within ProcessSpecification elements and report any exceptions. Open for Discussion: - In point one, is it SHOULD or MUST? I'm inclined towards MUST. - Do we REQUIRE the c14n transform for canonicalization of each Reference within a ProcessSpecification? - (How) do we restrict the transforms that may be applied to a ProcessSpecification? One possibility is to forbid transforms that alter the canonical form of a document. Cheers, Tony
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