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Subject: RE: Interesting performance numbers for Apache SOAP
Are we expecting that SOAP will support all electronic transactions or that it is a pervasive way to get business messages exchanged among all businesses from the smallest to the largest enterprise? I have always found that efficiency and pervasiveness are competing and usually conflicting requirements. I see three scenarios: 1) If I need high volumes of transactions between two business units I am not likely to choose an open communications vehicle such as the Internet (at least until processing speed and storage are also irrelevant as performance factors)and my use of ebXML will probably be limited to the upper layers and avoid the message handling and transport layers. 2) If I am building a messaging service and expect it to serve large volumes of transactions from large numbers of businesses then I have to scale up the operating systems and hardware to support the anticipated load that will be required by implementing ebXML (and SOAP) to support my any-to-any (or at least many-to-many) business message exchange requirements. 3) If I am a small business, I don't have the volume of transactions that the extra processing load of SOAP and ebXML present a performance factor - I am just happy that there is a Web Server such as Apache that supports the ebXML approved protocol that I require. Becky Reed Senior Architect Mercator -----Original Message----- From: Dick Brooks To: ebxml-tp@lists.ebxml.org Sent: 4/27/01 8:46 AM Subject: Interesting performance numbers for Apache SOAP I found the quote below in a paper from Indiana University, ref: http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/soap/sc00/paper/index.html "Serializing Java objects into SOAP-encoded XML data takes approximately ten times more memory than the binary representation. Figure 5 compares serialization and deserialization throughputs for E10K. Sun's native serialization-deserialization is the fastest. Nexus's performance is comparable to Sun's. Serialization and deserialization speeds for SOAP-based (Apache SOAP and nanoSOAP) implementations are approximately 100 times slower and their throughtputs are also a 100 times lower." Are others measuring performance of various SOAP processors? If so, would you mind sharing your results. Thanks, Dick Brooks http://www.8760.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe from this elist send a message with the single word "unsubscribe" in the body to: ebxml-tp-request@lists.ebxml.org
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