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Subject: XML based Manifests vs Multi-part-related MIME encoding of multi-part messages
David Burdett et al/Pat O'Sullivan et al: It seems like a discussion on the subject line has been going on both as part of the ebXML Transport Working group and the RosettaNet RNIF Version 2.0 Transport Routing and Packaging Working group and to some extent the XML working group within OBI. Technology providers like ourselves (Microsoft) who are focused on enabling our joint end customers use our products to implement solutions based on the various approaches being suggested and discussed by the above mentioned groups (and more) have an interesting challenge to say the least. I would appreciate the groups response on the following questions to help us better influence and support these various approaches being discussed currently. <Question 1> How many existing XML based Messaging specifications are based on the notion of having a pure XML based packaging approach and using multi-part/related MIME as an outer packaging mechanism where applicable and needed ? This typically means multiple schemas/element types (one for the composite logical document, one for the header which contains both addressing/routing and manifest level information and one or more for each of the physical document/parts that are being exchanged - which use element types from different name spaces or schemas . For example both BizTalk version 1.0 and SOAP version 1.0 follow this approach now. I believe David Burdett of the ebXML transport working group and the IETF XML Messaging efforts to date is inclined to move ebXML in this direction. <Question 2>How many existing B2B XML and non-XML based Messaging specifications are based on the notion of having a pure multi-part related MIME based packaging of the various physical parts (preamble, service header, service content, etc) of a single interchange or message ? This typically means multiple schemas for the various parts of the mult-part related MIME message in cases where they are XML. For example RNIF V1.1 follows this approach now. What other existing B2B TRP specs follow this approach (OBI, EDI-INT, IOTP, etc ) ??? What feedback do we have from the technology providers/customers who have tried to implement this approach ? NOTE: Based on the experiences of both technology/solution providers and customers who have attempted to implement solutions based on using multi-part related MIME as the primary and only packaging approach (ala RNIF 1.1) and our own experiences it seems like using an XML based approach as the primary mechanism to package related things has the advantages of XML Schema driven development tools to help in the construction of such a XML based package or interchange. Allows the use of MIME or S/MIME encoding based on the transport and applications exchanging these messages. <Question 3> which high level approach are you guy's settling down on for ebXML Version 1.0 and/or RNIF Version 2.0. Knowing this will help us determine who and how we should provide our feedback to and what support we need to plan to add to our solutions.
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