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Subject: Latest ebXML Message Envelope Specification-version 0-5
Thanks to Ian Jones and Chris Ferris for improvements in structure and verbage throughout the attached, revised document. Ian/Chris, I had formatting problems with the graphics used to describe the nested enveloping structure in section 4.2 and have made some adjustments. I've also added a few names to the contributors section. There remain a few open issues with the current enveloping specification, most notably: - possible mis-use of the type parameter within the multipart/related header According to section 3.1 of RFC 2387 the type parameter must contain the MIME media type of the root body part. The current ebXML enveloping spec does not follow RFC 2387 recommended usage for the type parameter. One possible solution that has been discussed is the use of an ebXML MIME media type to identify the ebXML header document (application/vnd.ebxml). The application/xml media type currently associated with the ebXML header document would be replaced with application/vnd.ebxml. The ebXML enveloping specification would be modified to require the type parameter of the multipart/related header to contain "application/vnd.ebxml" (media type of the root body part), in accordance with section 3.1 of RFC 2387. - possible mis-use of the Content-ID header within the header and payload envelopes According to section 7 or RFC 2045 the value associated with Content-ID must be globally unique. The current ebXML enveloping specification does not adhere to RFC 2045 specifications. One possible solution is to replace the Content-ID header with the Content-Description header. The identifiers "ebxmlheader" and "ebxmlpayload" would be associated with the Content-Description header. If anyone has comments or other suggestions related to the revised specification or these outstanding issues and possible solutions please feel free to comment/reply to this message. Thanks, Dick Brooks Group 8760 110 12th Street North Birmingham, AL 35203 dick@8760.com 205-250-8053 Fax: 205-250-8057 http://www.8760.com/ InsideAgent - Empowering e-commerce solutions
ebXML Message Envelope Specification v0-5.doc
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