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Subject: RE: Conversations, or BP alignment with TR&P and Architecture
Marc, Very clear reply. I agree with your distinctions of two levels of conversation, and your scope for the transport level. I worry about the name "application level" for the long conversations. We just had a conference call where somebody took the position that ebXML does not care about the management of long conversations because "the business applications at each end will handle that". Yeah, sure. Most business applications I know are inward-looking. They wouldn't know how to handle a long conversation with another company if it smacked them in the interface. A new kind of software is required here, and it needs to be compatible at each end of the the conversation. (I'm not proposing a solution here, just posing a problem...) But thanks for the feedback; at least it isn't your problem. Regards, Bob Haugen -----Original Message----- From: Marc Breissinger [SMTP:marcb@webmethods.com] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 9:14 AM To: Bob Haugen; ebXML-transport@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: RE: Conversations, or BP alignment with TR&P and Architecture It is extremely important that we be clear about the distinction between transport level conversation and application level conversation (i.e., business process). Transport level conversation encompasses receipt and processing (i.e., saved, checked, processed) acknowledgement and error messaging. This level of conversation management is currently within the purview of the TR&P specification. Application level conversation definition encompasses the set of message exchanges required to complete a business process. Individual message exchanges within application level conversation require transport level conversation. Application level conversation and control is not within the domain of TR&P. <snip> ======================================================================= = This is ebxml-transport, the general mailing list for the ebXML = = Transport project team. The owner of this list is = = owner-ebxml-transport@oasis-open.org = = = = To unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo@lists.oasis-open.org with = = the following in the body of the message: = = unsubscribe ebxml-transport = = If you are subscribed using a different email address, put the = = address you subscribed with at the end of the line; e.g. = = unsubscribe ebxml-transport myname@company.com = =======================================================================
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