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Subject: Comments on Overview and Requirementsm 5/26/00
COMMENTS ON TRP OVERVIEW & REQ, VER. 0-96, 26 MAY 2000 3. RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER EBXML ACTIVITIES The paragraph beginning with line 40 seems to say that the message header etc. could be rendered in more than one language. How do two partners come to agreement on which rendering to use? It could be via the electronic TPA but how do they agree on what language to express the TPA in? Why not just standardize on one language - XML? Too much flexibility of format could lead to a situation where a partner can't talk to the integration system repository, message policy repository, etc. (How do a partner and the repository come to agreement on the language?) 5.1.16 MULTIPLE ROUND TRIP DOCUMENT EXCHANGE The intermediate Exchange Messages are application to application. Why is this in the province of TRP? This should be a BP function. The TRP's only concern here should be to provide a conversation identifier that ties the messages in the set to a single BP unit of business - and perhaps to label a message as request, exchange, or response. Is this what is intended? 5.2.4 SUB-SERVICE CHOREOGRAPHY Why are services, subservices, and subservice choreography defined in TRP? These would seem to belong in BP. The existence of these concepts in TRP suggests that the Business Protocol section of the tpaML TPA belongs in TRP. Is this what is intended? Are the subservices an abstraction of RosettaNet PIPs? 5.2.6 MESSAGE SET Footnote 11: Please delete the discussion of ACID transactions. ACID transactions across two partners do not belong in tpaML. ACID transactions represent very tight coupling of the two partners including allowing one partner to lock resources at the other partner. That should not be allowed or encouraged. A given partner may be using ACID transactions within its local processes but that is outside the scope of ebXML. An alternate definition of "Message Set" is the set of messages which comprise a single unit of business between the two partners (e.g. a conversation as defined in tpaML). 5.3 MISCELLANEOUS (1) I infer that a session is a request with a response returned on the same connection as is usually the case with HTTP. If the term "session" is intended to have a broader definition, the definition should be either stated or referenced here. (2) In correspondence to (1), I sugggest stating that a long term message set is always asynchronous. Regards, Marty
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