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Subject: Agenda for Today's Conf. call

New Business
Old Business
Next Steps on 0.21d
	- version of 0.21d after approved in tokyo - discussion
	- What is left to be done? - the comments received after our last changes

Agenda for Tokyo
	- XP discussion and Background
	- Soap discussion and Background
	- Briefing on TP WG direction and interaction
	- Security sub-team split off to work in parallel during meeting
	- Service Interface sub-team started
	- status on direct TCP support for MHS
	- Reliable Messaging
	- Review Architecture Document - return comments
	- Editing final version of MHS spec for approval in friday plenary

> Thursdays in October, 11 AM Eastern time...

> Oct. 26
> USA           800 559 0842  
> International 630 424 8579  
> Passcode is   6027169

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