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Subject: London F2F meeting details - Next week


	the 7 people who requested me to book hotels for you MUST have
received an e-mail directly from me if not please contact me ASAP. (The 7
were Rik Drummond, David Burdett ,Chris Ferris, Ralph Berwanger, Marryann
Hondo, Shimamura Masayosh, Kazunori IWASA)

	The meeting will start at 9:00 on Tuesday 9th and continue on
Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th finishing about 5:00pm.  The meeting
location is:
	Room 4J, 
	4th Floor,
	Milton Gate, 
	Moor Lane, 
	this is near the Barbican centre and Liverpool Street Station.  The
nearest Underground (tube) station is Moorgate (see attached street map -
this is rotated 90 degrees Liverpool Street is east of Moorgate).

	You will need to register at reception and I will need to escort you
form reception, so in addition to the 7 above I have 2 other attendees, if
you intend to come along please e-mail me by Monday so that I can give a
list reception/security.
	If you need anymore please contact me ASAP.

Ian Jones
E-Commerce Engineer

84-85 Adam Street, Cardiff, CF24 2XF
> *Tel:  +44 (0)29 2072 4063
> * Fax: +44 (0)29 2045 8781
Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com  


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