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Subject: RE: Some additional comments regarding V.98

I second the proposal to remove any version attribute beyond the one in
the eb:MessageHeader element.  If necessary, we should put this at the
top of the comments to be considered after QRT submission.


--- Dick Brooks <dick@8760.com> wrote:
> I'm deeply concerned over the complexities that can arise from
> having"mixed"
> versions of elements within a single message. I propose that the
> group consider removing the version attribute from all the elements
> and
> consider using the namespace as a versioning mechanism. This would
> significantly simply the state machine and reduce overall complexity.
> Dick Brooks
> Group 8760
> 110 12th Street North
> Birmingham, AL 35203
> dick@8760.com
> 205-250-8053
> Fax: 205-250-8057
> http://www.8760.com/
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