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Subject: RE: Issue: How CPA is used in the spec

What if there's no CPA?  CPA is optional.

David Fischer.

-----Original Message-----
From: Maryann Hondo [mailto:mhondo@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 8:35 AM
To: christopher ferris
Cc: Rich Salz; Colleen Evans; ebXML Transport (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Issue: How CPA is used in the spec

me too.

christopher ferris <chris.ferris@east.sun.com>@xtacy.East.Sun.COM on
03/12/2001 09:19:01 PM

Sent by:  cferris@xtacy.East.Sun.COM

To:   Rich Salz <rsalz@zolera.com>
cc:   Colleen Evans <cevans@progress.com>, "ebXML Transport (E-mail)"
Subject:  Re: Issue: How CPA is used in the spec

This works for me;-)



Rich Salz wrote:
> > Could one of you involved in this thread (Chris, David, Rich or
> > please send me the finalized wording to be incorporated into the spec
> > you've agreed.  Your emails are crossing and I'm not sure at this point
> > what has been agreed to or by whom.
> My fault, primarily, for responding too quick off the mark without
> supplying any context.
> Here is what I believe the text should be; I'm fairly sure Chris and
> Maryann will concur, and David is likely to be "can live with it."
> The values for the reliable messaging parameters are determined by
> appropriate elements from the CPA identified by the CPAid. If a receiver
> determines that a message is in conflict with the specified CPA, the
> appropriate handling of this conflict is undefined by this
> specification. Therefore, senders SHOULD NOT generate such messages
> unless they have prior knowledge about the receiver's capability to deal
> with this conflict.
> If a receiver chooses to generate an error as a result of a detected
> inconsistency, then it MUST report it with an errorCode of Inconsistent
> and a severity of Error. If it chooses to generate an error because the
> CPA is not recognized, then it MUST report it with an error code of
> NotRecognized and a severity of Error.
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