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ebxml-transport message

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Subject: V 98b - Manifest is in the wrong place

Comment on v.98b lines 176, 245-246, 972-1072

The Manifest belongs in the SOAP Header section, not in the SOAP Body
section.  I provide a sample business problem to support my assertion.  It
is not an isolated business problem, just one ov several that I am aware of
through my years of EDI experience.

Business Problem:

  A manufacturer receives goods from a supplier.  The manufacturer is
obligated to pay for the goods, and does so using a payment remittance
advice, which is sent via his bank, the supplier's bank, and ultimately to
the supplier.

The manufacturer constructs two ebXML headers, one directed to his bank (as
an actor), and one directed to his supplier.

Two body parts are constructed, one containing the payment remittance advice
to the supplier, and one containing a signed instruction to transfer funds
from the manufacturer's account to the supplier's account at the supplier's

Two manifests are required, one for the supplier, and one for the
manufacturer's bank.

The bank validates the signed instruction to transfer funds, creates a NACHA
document to effect funds transfers, discards the ebXML header and manifest
addressed to the bank as actor, constructs a new ebXML header addressed to
the supplier's bank as actor and a new manifest addressed to the supplier as
actor, and forwards the message to the supplier's bank.

The supplier's bank completes the deposit, strips the ebXML header and
manifest directed to it as actor, perhaps provides some explicit
notification of funds deposit to the supplier (e.g., by new body part or by
signature over the payment detail in the payment remittance advice), and
forwards the message to the supplier.

Note that the intermediate actors need to be able to identify and act upon
the MIME encased body parts, and to create and delete body parts as needed
to play their roles in the business transaction.  To do so, they need to
address manifest by actor, which means the manifests must reside in the SOAP


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