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ebXML Participants:

OASIS and the UN are working on a press/analyst announcement on the launch
of the ebXML Initiative and the success of last week's inaugural meeting. We
would like your help in promoting this announcement and your company's
support of ebXML to the press. A draft of the press release will be
available eary next week, but the basic pitch is:

1. ebXML is going to lower the barrier of entry to global electronic
business and facilitate trade, particularly with respect to developing
nations. It will level the playing field.

2. ebXML is a cooperative, vendor-neutral effort, sponsored by the United
Nations and OASIS.

3. More than 120 standards organizations and companies supported ebXML by
attending the inaugural meeting this week.

This is VERY exciting work, and we want to get the word out on it. Our goal
is to arrange for interviews (via phone or in-person) with major trade and
financial press and analysts. The scope is international. Laura Walker,
executive director of OASIS, the chairs of the ebXML Initiative and/or a
representative from the United Nations will be available to participate,
along with a representative from your organization.

If you are interested in helping us pitch this story by setting up
interviews with your contacts in the press and analyst community, please let
me know. Send me a short list of the trade pubs and/or analysts that you
would like to approach with this story. I will coordinate our efforts so
that we reach all our target media. I welcome any suggestions you may have
for maximizing our success.

I have also attached a template for a press release that you may want to
adapt to announce your organization's support of ebXML. If you do plan to
take advantage of this, please:
a) do not send any ebXML-related announcements out until after 30 November,
b) email me a draft of your press release before it goes out.


Carol Geyer
Tel: +1.412.963.1479


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