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Subject: RE: Calrification from the Editor - Duane Nickull


Alan Kotok worked up a draft one-page form (abstract). I think he's going to
be posting it to the MAE PT's working web pages soon for all of us to take a
look at.

However, the MAE PT does NOT anticipate writing any of the content of such a
document. We view that as the responsibility of each project team.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ebxml-architecture@lists.oasis-open.org
> [mailto:owner-ebxml-architecture@lists.oasis-open.org]On
> Behalf Of Duane
> Nickull
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 5:27 PM
> To: William J. Kammerer; ebXML List; ebXML Architecture
> Cc: ebXML Awareness Team
> Subject: RE: Calrification from the Editor - Duane Nickull
> >I don't think we in the Marketing, Awareness, and Education
> Project Team
> >will be writing any such document, abstract or not.  Unless I missed
> >something in all of our meetings - which is possible, since I fall
> >asleep a lot.
> Check with Rachel. Her and I talked about me providing an
> outline for this.
> There is lots of mundane techie stuff that a casual reader
> should not be
> subjected to (unless as part of some unusual form of punishment ;-)
> Our Specification *HAS* to be complete and thorough.  If open
> to too much
> interpretation, it is worthless.  It;s time to put some meat
> on the bones of
> the strawman drawings.
> Cheers
> Duane Nickull

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