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Subject: Draft Specifications now available for review

First I like to thank Sun Microsystems for taking on the webmaster duties for our site.

Because of it we have now available on the site draft specifications from our Architecture, Business Process, Core Component, 
Transport/Packaging/Routing and Registry/Repository project teams for you to review.

Due to earlier problems with our web site, we are putting all specification through the full review cycles to ensure due process.  Because of 
this action the specifications of the Core Component and Business Process project teams will have one additional cycle that took place in 
June. The specifications from the Architecture and Registry and Repository project teams will have an extended first cycle.  If you commented 
on those two specifications earlier you don't have to send your comments in again.  The teams will take them in to account on the end of this 

The timetable for the review cycles is as follows:

7/7 - Team approved specification available for first comment period.

7/17 - Close of first comment period.  Project team reviews and responds to comments, and prepares next revision of specification.

7/24 - Team approved revision of specification, plus comments disposition log available for second comment period.

7/31 - Close of second comment period. Project team reviews and responds to comments, and prepares final revision of specification.

8/3 - Team approved final revision of specification, plus comments disposition log for review prior to plenary vote.

8/7 - Week of plenary.

To comment on any of the drafts below, please use the following format for each comment:

1. Line Range the comment is against

2. Comment

3. Rational for the comment

4. Suggestion for change

Project teams will review each comment and identify the action taken.  The complete list of all comments plus the disposition will be part of 
the next public revision cycle.

If you have any question in regard to the process outlined above please contact me direct via email.


Klaus-Dieter Naujok
ebXML Chair

PS. A quick reminder that the Hotel information for the next meeting 7-11 August at the Doubletree Hotel, 250 Gateway Plaza, San Jose, 
California (Tel: 408-453-4000, Fax: 408-437-2898) is also available on that site.  I urge you to make your reservation at the conference hotel 
not later than 14 July.

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