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Subject: FW: ebXML Showcases Dynamic Trading Network

FYI. This press announcement is also up on the ebXML web site on the News
Event/Press Releases page.

Rachel Foerster
ebXML Awareness, Marketing & Education Project Tead Co-Lead

|ebXML Showcases Dynamic Trading Network
|San Jose, 2 August 2000—The United Nations/CEFACT and OASIS,
|sponsors of the
|Electronic Business XML Initiative (ebXML), announced plans to
|the first phase of ebXML at the group’s upcoming meeting in San Jose,
|California 7-11 August 2000. Working together, ebXML
|participants including
|Fujitsu, Netfish Technologies, Sun Microsystems, Viquity, Vitria and
|webMethods will simulate a dynamic trading network based on the ebXML
|Transport, Routing and Packaging Specification (publicly available on
|http://www.ebxml.org). With each vendor assuming the role of a trading
|partner, the demo will highlight the applicability of ebXML in
|three typical
|models of B2B communication--point-to-point, hub-and-spoke and
|“This is a big step forward in demonstrating to the world how
|ebXML will
|facilitate global trade,” said Klaus-Dieter Naujok of NextERA
|chair of ebXML and member of the UN/CEFACT Steering Committee.
|“It shows
|without a doubt that critical aspects of ebXML are useable today.”
|Robert S. Sutor, Ph.D. of IBM, Vice Chair of ebXML and Chair
|of the OASIS
|Board of Directors, agreed, “We’re not just generating solutions on
|paper—-this cross-vendor effort proves that ebXML is based in
|reality and
|has the support of the industry. In addition to the companies
|involved in
|this proof-of-concept demonstration, we expect more than 130
|to be represented in San Jose.”
|As part of the ebXML transport demonstration, trading partners
|will initiate
|and respond to RosettaNet "Manage Purchase Order" (PIP3A4) business
|processes, dynamically creating scenarios from a variety of
|industries using
|different payload types (e.g., OTA, GCI, etc.).
|“We chose RosettaNet for this demo because it is well defined
|and widely
|used,” explained Nick Kassem of Sun Microsystems, ebXML
|Project Team Leader. “In developing ebXML, we appreciate the
|reality that
|there are legacy infrastructures and business processes that
|must be taken
|into account. We’re therefore designing the specifications so
|that people
|can support ebXML without abandoning existing investments.”
|Kassem added
|that future demonstration scenarios will feature processes and
|messages from
|other standards and industries.
|The ebXML meeting in San Jose is being sponsored by Boeing,
|General Motors, IBM, Muzmo Communication and Sun Microsystems.
|Attendance is
|open to the public; registration information can be found on
|About ebXML
|ebXML (www.ebXML.org) is an International Initiative established by
|UN/CEFACT and OASIS in late 1999 with a mandate to undertake
|an 18-month
|program of work to research and identify the technical basis
|upon which the
|global implementation of XML (Extensible Markup Language) can be
|standardized. The goal of ebXML is to facilitate open trade between
|organizations regardless of size by enabling XML to be used in
|a consistent
|manner to exchange electronic business data.
|UN/CEFACT (www.uncefact.org) is the United Nations body whose
|mandate covers
|worldwide policy and technical development in the area of
|trade facilitation
|and electronic business. Headquartered in Geneva, it has developed and
|promoted many tools for the facilitation of global business processes
|including UN/EDIFACT, the international EDI standard. Its current work
|programme includes such topics as Simpl-edi and Object
|Oriented EDI and it
|strongly supports the development and implementation of open,
|global standards and specifications for electronic business.
|About OASIS
|OASIS (http://www.oasis-open.org) is the world’s largest independent,
|non-profit organization dedicated to the standardization of XML
|applications. OASIS sponsors include Adobe Systems,
|Aerospatiale, AND Data
|Solutions, Arbortext, B-Bop Associates, BEA Systems, Boeing, Bowstreet,
|Bridge, BroadVision, Chrystal Software, Cohesia, Commerce One, Corel,
|DataChannel, Dataloom, DMSi, Documentum, Dun & Bradstreet, eCredit.com,
|Enigma, eXcelon, Extensibility, Extricity Software, First Call, IBM,
|InformIT, Informix, InterCAP, Interwoven, ISOGEN, ITEDO,
|JetForm, Keyfile,
|Logistics Management Institute, Mercator Software, Microsoft,
|NextPage, NII
|Enterprise Promotion Association, Nimble Technology, NIST, Oracle
|Corporation, Pick Systems, ProNet Technology, Reuters, Sabre,
|SAP, Sequoia
|Software, SoftQuad, Software AG, STEP, StreamServe, Sun Microsystems,
|Synth-Bank, Visa, Wavo, Webb Interactive Services, webMethods,
|Technologies, Xerox, XMLSolutions and XyEnterprise.#
|For more information:
|Carol Geyer
|Media Relations Consultant
|Sun and Sun Microsystems are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
|Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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