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ebxml message

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Subject: ebXML Core Component Specifications available for review

Please note that sometime tomorrow (5 March) 4 new Draft
Specifications for the CC Project team will be available 
for review via:


There will also be a Overview Document and a Reference 
document with the Initial Catalog of Core Components.
In addition to the Specification you will find the the Quality
Review Team (QRT) comments (to be taken in to account before by
the editing team after this review). You are asked to comment
(positive or negative) on the Draft Specification and QRT

To comment please use the following format for each comment:

1. Line Range the comment is against 

2. Comment

3. Rational for the comment

4. Suggestion for change

The CC Project team will review each comment and identify the 
action taken. The complete list of all comments plus the 
disposition will be part of the next public revision cycle.

If you have any question in regard to the process outlined above
please contact the ebXML chair Klaus-Dieter Naujok
[knaujok@home.com] via email.



Klaus-Dieter Naujok                          ebXML & TMWG Chair
Netfish Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, Chief Technology Officer

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