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ebxml message

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Dear ebXML Participants,

There is still discounted exhibit space available at XML Europe for
ebXML participants. XML Europe will feature a special ebXML conference
track, so interest at the show will be high.

Remember, the demonstration pods should be vendor-specific and represent
work-in-progress on implementation of ebXML specifications. We urge you
to act now, as space will be allocated on a first come - first served

XML Europe
May 21-25
GCA has set aside an ebXML exhibitor area that can accommodate six pods.
Each ebXML exhibitor receives a pod / computer desk with lockable under
counter storage and a monitor shelf (without monitor), a wall system
with a shelf, a spotlight, signage, carpet and an ISDN timed connection
with an internet account (only possible with ISDN modem). ebXML pod
exhibitors also receive an on-line link from conference website, company
profile in Show Guide, and the ability to utilize Public Relations
services. The total amount per pod is DM 5.275, incl. 16% German VAT.
Contact Julie Desmond, Gcaboston@aol.com, +1 (617) 698-0277 to reserve

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