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Subject: XML.org Sponsorship Opportunities

OASIS members and ebXML participants:

For a limited period of time, we will offer XML.org sponsorships
exclusively to OASIS and ebXML participants.

XML.org is solely funded by corporate sponsors that share a common
mission- to unite the XML community, foster collaboration and facilitate
the adoption of open XML standards.

To achieve and maintain this vital mission, we need continued financial
support. Therefore, we have expanded the depth and breadth our
sponsorship categories to reach a greater number of potential corporate
sponsors within the XML community.

We offer six different sponsorships with varying degrees of benefits.

Premier Sponsor:	$100,000  	(1 sponsor slot available)
Platinum Sponsor:	$75,000 	(3 sponsor slots available)
Gold Sponsor:	$50,000 	(4 sponsor slots available)
Silver Sponsor: 	$25,000 	(5 sponsor slots available)
Bronze Sponsor: 	$12,000 	(6 sponsor slots available)
Contributing Sponsor: $2,000 	(unlimited slots available)

At a time when demonstrated commitment to open standards has a direct
impact on the growth of business, sponsorship of XML.org delivers:

·	identification of your company as an XML industry leader
·	increased visibility in the XML marketplace
·	exposure to over 116,000 thousand readers every month
·	public declaration of your company's commitment to data
interoperability through open standards
·	increased traffic to your website through your sponsor logo and links

Details are on http://hercules.xml.org:8088/xml/sponsors.shtml .

XML.org attracts extensive traffic from XML technologists, developers
and businesspeople alike. On average, XML.org generates over 357,000
page views from 116,000 visitors each month.  (11.5K page views from
over 3.8K visitors per day)

I hope you consider sponsoring XML.org and let me know if you have

Leo Kraunelis
General Manager

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