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Subject: Call for Particpation and Contribution for eBTWG Project Teams

Dear eBTWG members,

The eBTWG Executives are happy to announce that the following three 
Projects have been approved:

* Core Component Specification
* Business Collaboration Patterns and Monitored Commitments
* eBusiness Architecture Specification

eBTWG is now initiating the "Call for participation and 
contribution" in order to ensure that all parties interested in 
participation and/or contributing to the project(s) can do so. The 
call will end 21 September 2001 for the three projects listed above.

If you wish to join a project team please vistit the eBTWG Web Site 
for the details of each team as outlined in the approved Project 
Proposals (available under the Project Team Menu). To sign-up fill 
out the registration form on that page. You will be subscribed to 
the Project Teams E-mail List immediately.

If you wish to make a contribution to the project, forward an 
electronic copy to me. To satisfy UN/CEFACT's goal of openness, 
everyone that makes a contribution must agree to remove any IPR 
constraints or restrictions that might be associated with their 

The project teams are scheduled to have their first meeting as part 
of the eBTWG meeting, 8-12 October 2001 in San Francisco, CA, USA.

Should you have any question feel free to contact me directly.



Klaus-Dieter Naujok             UN/CEFACT/eBTWG & TMWG Chair
IONA Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, Chief Scientific Officer

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