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Standards groups and consortia from around the world will gather in
Orlando, Florida, 6-7 December 2001 for the Interoperability Summit, the
first in a series of inter-consortia meetings aimed at identifying
common ground and coordinating development of electronic business
specifications. Hosted by HR-XML, OASIS, OMG, UN/CEFACT and XBRL.org,
the Interoperability Summit Series will identify intersections between
major horizontal and vertical groups in order to promote acceptance of
common models and approaches.

Be sure your standards group is represented at this important event.
Register now at http://www.omg.org/interop/.

This is not simply another networking opportunity. The Interoperability
Summit Series will identify concrete intersections between major
horizontal and vertical standards in order to promote acceptance of
common models and approaches. The outcome of the December Summit will be
presented in a special session at XML 2001.

One item on the agenda will be the creation of a Standards Metadata
Registry, where common metadata can be stored for standards efforts,
promoting interoperability of specifications across different consortia.
A Standards Metadata Registry will allow standards groups both to
publicize what they are working on and discover what other organizations
are doing. This will lead to better communication between the various
standards bodies, resulting in less duplication and overlap of efforts
and better interoperability of completed work.

Karl Best, director of technical operations for OASIS, will discuss how
a Standards Metadata Registry could be created and operated, based on
his experience developing the XML.org Registry. Bob Hager of ANSI will
discuss the work that ANSI has already done with a standards registry,
what was learned, and how this might be used as a foundation for future

The Interoperability Summit is open to all. In addition to HR-XML,
OASIS, OMG, UN/CEFACT and XBRL.org, the Orlando meeting is expected to
attract representatives from ACORD, ANSI, BASDA, HL7, IDEAlliance, IFX,
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Open Applications Group, the NAPM XML
Initiative and many others.

A 200 USD meeting fee will cover lunches and breaks for both days.
Interoperability Summit attendees are eligible for a 100 USD discount on
XML 2001 conference and exposition, 9-14 Dec, also in Orlando.

Space is limited, so please register today.

Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
Tel: +1 978.667.5115 x209

OASIS       	http://www.oasis-open.org
XML.ORG     	http://xml.org
XML Cover Pages	http://xml.coverpages.org
ebXML       	http://www.ebXML.org
CGM Open    	http://www.cgmopen.org

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