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Subject: RE: Has anything happened with ebXML Architecture yet?
Message text written by INTERNET:srh@us.ibm.com > Hi, Has anything happened with ebXML Architecture since the San Jose kickoff......? Thanks, Scott R. Hinkelman IBM Austin Architecture and Development, Industry XML/Java Standards Office: 512-823-8097 TL793-8097 Home: 512-930-5675 Cell: 512-940-0519 srh@us.ibm.com Fax: 512-838-1074 <<<<<<<<< YES! I am actually putting forward the attached draft as somewhat of a jump start to get us oriented around some technical issues. I realize this is a bit premature - but I see the sense of urgency here given the backdrop of the W3C state of play. Apologies, but not too many! People at XML'99 have been asking the same questions and I for one am Gungho to really drive everything forward quickly. Now XML'99 one is behind us I see a bit more time freeing up where we can complete work on the initial Web content - get an agenda and schedule sketched out, bring in lots more people (I have many offer already - another key reason why the Road Map is essential to help orientate newbeeis), and then let's have at it. I would also submit my PPT as a start point on the Architecture - and thought of using some of those slides + text to hone together an Archtecture Document. (http://www.bizcodes.org for that). Obviously this raises a chunk of issues too - so lets start throwing those out - biggest one is relation between ebXML focus work and W3C work. We need to straighten out that liaison path ASAP and get people assigned to cover that so we;re not tripping over each others toes. I don;t see this as a big deal - just a procedural point we need to address. Time and space were hard to control at XML'99 so I did not manage to talk with everyone I wanted to on this - but I'm sure we can catchup on that in the coming week or two. (Bob / Laura - HELP please!). Thanks, DW.
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