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Subject: ebXML Architecture - Conference Call
Good Morning, its January 7th, and I must assume that since I have not received confirmation of a phone number and time, there will not be a call today. So I have taken "a leap of faith" selected a date (far enough out so that I hope that everyone will have time to schedule their calendar) and arrange the following phone line: Date: January 19, 2000 Time: 16:00 G.M.T - 18:00 G.M.T. (11:00 a.m. eastern std. time - 1:00 p.m. est) Phone Number: 313-556-5041 Please send participation regrets to the list serve by Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2000. If the majority are available, I will put forward a draft agenda for the meeting on Thursday, Jan. 13, 2000. I apologize if one thinks that I have over stepped by bounds. I just hope to get the administrative stuff started before our next meeting in Orlando. regards, Melanie
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