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Subject: Re: Compression (was RE: COMPLEXITY BIG ISSUE)
At 10:06 AM 3/9/00 -0500, David RR Webber wrote: >Matt, > >Separation of layers is very important. Remember that the transport can >encrpyt/decrypt/compress/expand in the hardware - this is what modems >do well. Therefore you only ever see plain text in your ebXML applications >- >but over the wire smart things happen. Also notice that this does not >impose >system impacts as the subsystem is handling the on the wire stuff. > >This is the best model for ebXML - the hardware/transport layer can use >whatever. When we tried to dip down into this with EDI it caused >boundless >pain. The hardware companies have their own standards for all this - no >need for us to go there. So you are saying "Forget transport, focus on the transaction minus delivery?". I actually feel that way as well, but is there not a whole committee devoted to transport, and wouldn't they need to make some decisions about this? I like the BizTalk model, which is transport agnostic (assuming a handler is provided for what you are trying to do), but I am guessing that most of the actual B2B transport is going to happen on one medium, with others being spawned as a result of the main transaction. I also am hoping that transport is no longer up to the hardware guys, what with TCP/IP and all - I really hope we aren't doing too much more modem-based communication. -- Matthew MacKenzie -- Matthew MacKenzie CTO/VP R&D XML Global Technologies, Inc.
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