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Subject: Re: Compression (was RE: COMPLEXITY BIG ISSUE)
Message text written by Matthew MacKenzie > So you are saying "Forget transport, focus on the transaction minus delivery?". I actually feel that way as well, but is there not a whole committee devoted to transport, and wouldn't they need to make some decisions about this? >>>>>>>>> Quite. If you send something by FedEx you don't care what type of Van they put it in. That's their job to figure out the right van for the job. You simply describe the shipment: Size, weight and item. What we do need to ensure is that there is a consistent description of the envelope structure and interchange grammer. I like the BizTalk model, which is transport agnostic (assuming a handler is provided for what you are trying to do), but I am guessing that most of the actual B2B transport is going to happen on one medium, with others being spawned as a result of the main transaction. I also am hoping that transport is no longer up to the hardware guys, what with TCP/IP and all - I really hope we aren't doing too much more modem-based communication. >>>>>>>>>>> Sorry - I should have included Routers in there as well - its just a black box (or beige)! -- Matthew MacKenzie<
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