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Subject: Re: Shallow parse trees
Message text written by Matthew MacKenzie >please - lay off on the attributes! Little trade-offs here and there will add up to a nice performance gain. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< OK - its time I made a strong point here about how wonderful attributes are - despite the SML people - as business attributes CANNOT be modelled by elements (SML works for simple document world examples, but not serious EDI). Here's the trick. By using the DTD and attributes cleverly together you can indeed get 'shallow parse trees' that are also highly rich in information content. Since the DTD can default all sorts of useful things like "lang=EN", "format=X12", "curr=US", et al. This greatly simplifies the transaction content creation and reduces the size and complexity of the transaction itself. Couple this with Bizcodes and other power techniques of removing syntax burden and we can indeed ensure that message constructs are readable and intuitive. Also - the performance gains are signficant - repetitive transactions (yes EDI is highly repetitive) can leverage cached syntax and also branching to avoid unnecessary parsing overhead of branches of the message / DTD structure that you simply don;t access (this technique is an 'on demand' parsing approach) and the DOM definately supports this today. DW.
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