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Subject: RE: Registry Submissions and Queries
Just my 2 cents. Since I haven't been much of a contributor, and haven't followed as closely as I'd like, I do want to say that I think from what I have seen so far, that you guys are on the right track with this.
EDI seems like some ancient technology, but provides a fairly solid architecture as far as the batch world is concerned. However, using XML coupled with an HTTP transport mechanism seems like a great idea. My concern has been that EDI-ers in the group would re-invent ebXML in the image of traditional EDI and ignore the capabilities that have come along in the last several years.
Keep up the good work.
-----Original Message-----
From: Duane Nickull [mailto:duane@xmlglobal.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 2:34 PM
To: Peter Kacandes; ebXML-Architecture@lists.oasis-open.org;
Subject: RE: Registry Submissions and Queries
>I do not think that I follow you here. I assume that the above described
>query is not what you have in mind for ebXML searches correct? XML-RPC
>be too slow for that task. In what context is this XML-RPC?
Agreed, some type of XML-RPC approach is not the way to go.
The XML -RPC is not really a type of query. It is the mechanism for
delivering a query and subsequently, receiving a reponse.
The query mechanism is essentially the most important part of the query.
Several daemons can be run to accept queries on a registry (server)
application. Delivering a query in XML syntax via HTTP as the transport
protocol is a very good way of assuring that you have a 100% O/S and
Platform neutral method for querying a Registry/Repository. Other good
methods also exist. XQI (Xml Query Interface), a method employed by the
GoXML.com XML Search engine is merely a dedicated port on a server that
listens for incoming XML-syntax queries.
You could just as easily run a CGI script to accept HTML form input, a COM
object or any other combo of mechanisms.
Just my $0.02 worth.
Duane Nickull
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