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ebxml-architecture message

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Subject: TA Conference Call

Due to the technical mishap this week, we have rescheduled the TechArch
conference call to Thursday next week. Please note that the phone numbers
and pass codes have changed also for the previously scheduled calls. The
agenda will, as always, be sent out a day or so before the call, so if you
want to add something, please let me know.

Thank you Melanie for your swift response.


Date:     28 SEP 00
Time:     11:00 a.m. EST
US Participants:  1--877-288-4427
International Participants:  1-734-414-0267
Pass Code:   875929

Date:     05 OCT 00
Time:     11:00 a.m. EST
US Participants:  1--877-233-7845
International Participants:  1-505-766-85458
Pass Code:   622710

Date:     19 OCT 00
Time:     11:00 a.m. EST
US Participants:  1--800-486-2460
International Participants:  1-201-368-8542
Pass Code:   708545

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