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Subject: OTA Tag name rules
ebXML Architects, As an example, the following are clips from the OTA spec 1, which can be found at http://www.opentravel.org/, that specify the base naming rules for the XML Travel Industry specifications. -------------- OpenTravel Alliance, Customer Profile Specifications Page 14 Copyright © 2000. OpenTravel Alliance www.opentravel.org/ OTA version 1 messages MUST meet the requirements of well-formed XML documents, as specified in XML Recommendation 1.0, published by the W3C. The document is available from the W3C online at http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210 . OTA version 1 messages SHOULD begin with the XML declaration indicating use of XML version 1.0. That declaration reads: <?xml version ="1.0"?> Valid OTA version 1 messages meet the grammar rules specified in the document type definitions or DTDs. Valid messages MUST include the document type declaration that follows the XML declaration. An example of a document type declaration is: <!DOCTYPE OTA_v1 SYSTEM "OTA_v1.dtd"> Both the XML and document type declarations precede the OTA root element. ....................................... 3.3.3 Tag naming conventions A key part of the XML grammar is consistent naming conventions for tags that represent the infrastructure and business-related elements. Tag name writers MUST follow these rules unless business requirements require other naming conventions. OpenTravel Alliance, Customer Profile Specifications Page 15 Copyright © 2000. OpenTravel Alliance www.opentravel.org/ · Use mixed case tag names, with the leading character of each word in upper case and the remainder in lower case. Example: <v1.Cust.PaymentForm> · Acronyms are discouraged, but where needed, use all upper case. Example: <v1.Cust.URL> · Where acronyms or single-letter words cause two upper case characters to be adjacent, separate them with an underscore ( _ ) . Example: <v1.Addr.PO_Box> · Prefixes will use a period (.) as a separator. Example: <v1.Cust.Pay.CreditCard> OTA's tag naming conventions include the specification version and content hierarchy as prefixes and, as a result, will require greater bandwidth to transmit than tags with more cryptic codes. OTA made the decision to include this much text in the tags ? a decision that went through lengthy debate and several reviews ? so OTA could convert the data model to XML-Schema as easily as possible. XML-Schema will not need the context or hierarchy included in the tag names, which will reduce their size. The longer tag names also make the tags human-readable, an advantage over traditional EDI coding that requires machine interpretation of even simple transactions or messages. With OTA's tags, parties can read the messages directly to see their content, which will make them accessible to many more trading partners than before, using no more than an XML-enabled Web browser. Also, in North America at least, bandwidth for transmitting messages is becoming more available and less expensive. 3.3.4 Tag naming guidelines Tag writers SHOULD use these guidelines as good practices when constructing tag names. · Use the same tag names with elements in a similar child structure · Use plural tag names only for collections. · Keep element and attribute names to 25 characters. However, prefixes for use in DTDs do not count in the calculation. With XML-Schema, the context for tags will provide much of the meaning and help keep tag names short. -------------------------- Scott Hinkelman, Senior Software Engineer XML Industry Enablement IBM e-business Standards Strategy 512-823-8097 (TL 793-8097) (Cell: 512-940-0519) srh@us.ibm.com, Fax: 512-838-1074
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