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Subject: Re: OTA Tag name rules
> Prefixes will use a period (.) as a separator. Are there advocates for this practice on ebXML? > Example: <v1.Cust.Pay.CreditCard> > OTA's tag naming conventions include the specification version and content > hierarchy as prefixes and, as a result, will require greater bandwidth to transmit than tags with > more cryptic codes. OTA made the decision to include this much text in the tags > so OTA could convert the data model to XML-Schema as > easily as possible. XML-Schema will not need the context or hierarchy included in the tag > names, which will reduce their size. Is there anyone on the list privy to these discussions? (1) What is the "context or hierarchy" involved that can't be expressed by more typical nested containment? (2) Why can't the "context or hierarchy" be expressed in DTDs as opposed to schemas? (3) Why put the "context or hierarchy" in the element names? Thanks in advance.
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