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Subject: Re: OTA Tag name rules
Message text written by Bruce Peat > I see a need for speed - get the tag, vector to the process in one step. Any additional effort to this will make the system unstable and very slow. The question is resolution, what level are the logical units that we want to roll as we derive from core components. OTA versioned every "segment" which is wrong, and a move on some member(s) parts to make the system ugly to force a move to XML Schema from DTDs. I hope determining the resolution level of these logical units and when to roll them are what BP & CC is including in their definition work. Yes, we have major disagreement on all this. And yes I understand the tradeoff on what we are giving up as well. - Bruce <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bruce, in the GCI example I just posted - we see this straightaway - that once you have labelled a complex object at the parent level with a GUID then labelling the sub-elements is redundant - and W3C schema is horrible exposed here - and because the W3C are trying to CRAM everything into the one piece of syntax - and explicitly becuase they have NO concept of a Registry and being able to separate and manage the semantic layers. They themselves said as much in a response to my issue posted at the W3C site way back 4 months ago. BTW - an aside - we have to view W3C Schema as Assembler for XML - that is what they have built, and what we are doing is building a "COBOL compiler" approach. Notice - no one writes their business applications in Assembler, everyone looks for a business level language to do that with. That is ebXML. Now - on the need for SPEED - notice I have already raised this as a 'to do' issue beyond the Tokyo PoC for RegRep. For the PoC we have a human GUI navigation model. Speed is not an issue. For a B2B - machine-2-machine - interface model - speed is everything. Allowing caching and exposing markers within the Registry to indicate 'Nochange' at or below this level - is the way to resolve this. We have not yet built those parts of the specs'. Thanks, DW.
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