ebxml-architecture message

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Subject: RE: a new UID discussion

David, "import" is not the best choice of words here.  I would be more
inclined to say "wrap".  With a mapping to the information model and a
classification scheme, we could interact with the existing BSR with the
common ebXML Registry client.  That is to say, the BSR could be one of
thousands of ebXML compliant registries, if it implements the interfaces and
information model.  So every entry in the BSR is a Managed Object of some
form defined by a classification scheme.  

The same holds true with the existing UN/EDIFACT and X12 directories.  


-----Original Message-----
From: David RR Webber
To: Eckenfels. Bernd
Cc: ''ebxml-architecture@lists.ebxml.org' '
Sent: 11/15/00 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: a new UID discussion

Message text written by "Eckenfels. Bernd"
Anyway, this is not related to the transport group and i am not sure if
is the goal of ebXML to define this. Of course Cefact has already some
How in this Area, and with Solutions Like EDIFACT BSR we have already
defined a huge base of codes/items.


Bernd - the ebXML registry should be able to import and re-use existing
BSR and other legacy EDI dictionaries.

If you look at the GUIDE draft - http://www.xmlguide.org - you will see
the GUIDE element level and use if EDI igML is exactly designed to do

Adding the XML methods there from this approach into what Core have
too at this point is an obvious win.


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