Subject: Re: TA Specification Review
Everyone: Forst of all - Merry Christmas. I am in Germany until Jan 5 so I may not be able to respond immediately. As for the current spec, the exact thing that I did not want to happen has happened. People are submitting fixes, comments etc BEFORE it has gone out for comment. Here is what has to happen: 1. Vote by TA committee to send it out to QRT AS IS 2. QRT PT to okay document for submission to the Plenary for general comments NOTE: Items 1 and 2 are done with an explicit view that the document is NOT in its' final form. We are putting it out for comments. THe BP section will have others commenting on it besides just a few in the BP team. As for the other comments, they are useful but we have a responsibility to collect a wider range of comments. I am not saying any of the input is not good, just that we have a process to follow. 3. The comments period This is where we want corrections on spelling, grammar, wording etc. Doing it now will just delay the specification unnecessarily. TA Team - lets' vote on this spec AS IS. IF there is something that needs to be changed - it can be changed during the comment period. *Please* lets get this spec done. Duane NIckull
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