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Subject: RE: ebXML glossary
Re -
Definition of 'Infrastructure' correspondence
raises an important question...there appear to be two basic sides to the
output of ebXML.
- BP/CC activities - so
called content
- Non BP/CC - what most call infrastructure (even if
the glossary doesnt)
However, my
belief is that it is not this sort of split (CC/BP vs non CC/BP) which is
important. The split which i believe is important
Specifications for the whole of ebXML
- Content
which is built by using the specifications (in reality this means BP (process
catalogues) and CC (Core component catalogues))
difference with the top view is that BP/CC activities also contain
specifications and the development of these specifications are interlinked
with other ebXML specifications and it would be illogical to split the
two up. Splitting away the content is far easier to
Thus, in
conjunction with the 'where next' discussion...this logic would suggest that all
specifications, guidance material etc would logically go to OASIS, and the
content/catalogues which related to these specifications is performed by
EWG+. The main difference is that the EWG would not be responsible for
BP/CC specifications themselves.
STUART -----Original Message-----
From: agrangard@nycall.com [mailto:anders.grangard@edifrance.org] Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 14:27 To: Lynne Rosenthal; ebXML-Architecture List Subject: Re: ebXML glossary
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