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Subject: FW: [Fwd: Tr: Trading Partner Agreement Markup Language]


|----- Original Message -----
|From: <sutor@us.ibm.com>
|To: ebxml-stc <ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org>
|Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 9:55 AM
|Subject: Trading Partner Agreement Markup Language
| As many of you know, IBM offered its tpaML (Trading Partner Agreement
|Markup Language) to OASIS last January. As predicted by some 
|people in this
|Steering Committee, most of the interest in tpaML came from 
|within ebXML as
|it has obvious connections with the work going on in several 
|of the project
|teams, most notably TRP and BP. After consultations with many 
|people within
|OASIS and ebXML, we have decided to slide the tpaML 
|standardization work
|over from OASIS into ebXML. On the Wednesday of the San Jose 
|meeting, Marty
|Sachs of IBM's Advanced Commerce Institute will give a one 
|hour talk about
|tpaML and this should set the stage for the ebXML community to decide
|exactly how to proceed with it. Marty will be joining IBM's 
|ebXML team and
|will available for the whole meeting should any one or any 
|group wish to
|discuss the tpaML spec in greater detail.
|Bob Sutor
|IBM Program Director, XML Technology
|Chair, OASIS Board of Directors
|716-243-2445 / Fax 716-243-1778 / Tieline 320-9138
|Cellular 716-317-6899 / Pager 1-800-946-4645 PIN # 1473757

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