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Subject: Re: FAQ document review minutes
William, et al. Let me suggest some answers to your questions if I may ... Why use XML? XML provides a way of exchanging structured data and processes over the Web, and because of its extensible ability, it can handle an unlimited vocabularies to address complex and yet undefined business issues. Moreover, it can use ubiquitous and inexpensive tools as well as the large installed base of connectivity with little extra investment. How do registries and respositories help reduce costs? As far as I can tell, repositories will contain much of the ebXML functionality which will make it possible to reduce the functions imposed on end-user software, and helps make the shrink-wrapped solutions possible. What is ebXML's competitive advantage? The main competitive advantage of ebXML IMHO, is the ability to exchange messages with businesses outside your own industry. It helps open up all kinds of joint ventures and partnerships that would have been impeded by incompatible message formats. Why should organizations join ebXML? If you want to get your requirements in on the development of this specification, you have to be a player. I agree with Rachel ... business-to-consumer is not out of scope. I believe the requirements document includes exchanges with consumers. Alan Kotok AlanKotok@cs.com http://myfreeoffice.com/techjournalist/
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