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Subject: Progress on press center Web pages; next conference call
TO: MAE Project Team I started work on the ebXML's Web site press center pages and would like to share with you a couple of early samples, just make sure I am on the right track. They follow the same basic format as the current pages, but break up the content into separate pages to provide a little more focus and white space for ease of reading. I will add links later, once I get the page naming conventions. The line on the press center home page about putting ebXML news on your site refers to the syndication effort, which will come a little later, once we get our own news pages up and running. At the time of the next conference call on Tuesday afternoon, I will be returning from Denver, taking a circuitous route to avoid O'Hare and United Airlines. If I can get to phone at 11 am PT, I will call in. Best regards. Alan Kotok Director, Education and Information Resources Data Interchange Standards Association akotok@disa.org +1 703-518-4174 ** DISA's E-Business and Internet Conference, 7-9 March 2001, in San Francisco. http://www.disa.org/conference/annual_conf/index.htm **Title: ebXML news releases
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