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ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: Conference Call - Tuesday 18th October

Our next call is scheduled at the usual time (11am PST) for 10/18/00.  For 
those of you who may not have it the call in number is:
800 857 0378
pass code 74751.
I will not be able to attend this call, so it will be led by Michael Weiner.
Topics for the agenda should include:

Updates on:
- the white paper development (Ed Julson)
- development of quality standards for ebXML Website (Michael Weiner)
- status of multi media presentation (Alex Piner)
- Media Tour (Carol)
Planning for Tokyo:
- we have been asked by Nick Kassem of the Proof of Concept team to provide 
marketing support for the meeting.  This includes activities prior to the 
meeting itself, and the development of a one page brief capturing the key 
messages from the event (I have discussed this with Nick and agreed it 
should be consistent with our key ebXML messages).
- we also need to provide support to the TRP Group.

At our last meeting I was working under the impression that we (Marketing) 
were to be responsible for the QTO (bootcamp) meeting at the start of the 
Tokyo event.  I have been informed by Klaus that the Steering Committee 
have decided not to hold a QTO meeting in Tokyo, therefore this action is 


Simon Nicholson
Snr. Market Strategist
XML Technology Centre
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Tel:    +1 (650) 786 4238
Fax:    +1 (650) 786 5723
Email: simonn@eng.sun.com

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