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ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: RE: Conference Call - Tuesday 18th October


I will not be able to join the 10/17 conference call since I'll be
conducting a day-long e-business seminar that day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Nicholson [mailto:simonn@eng.sun.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 6:39 PM
To: ebxml-awareness@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: Conference Call - Tuesday 18th October

Our next call is scheduled at the usual time (11am PST) for 10/18/00.
those of you who may not have it the call in number is:
800 857 0378
pass code 74751.
I will not be able to attend this call, so it will be led by Michael
Topics for the agenda should include:

Updates on:
- the white paper development (Ed Julson)
- development of quality standards for ebXML Website (Michael Weiner)
- status of multi media presentation (Alex Piner)
- Media Tour (Carol)
Planning for Tokyo:
- we have been asked by Nick Kassem of the Proof of Concept team to
marketing support for the meeting.  This includes activities prior to
meeting itself, and the development of a one page brief capturing the
messages from the event (I have discussed this with Nick and agreed it
should be consistent with our key ebXML messages).
- we also need to provide support to the TRP Group.

At our last meeting I was working under the impression that we
were to be responsible for the QTO (bootcamp) meeting at the start of
Tokyo event.  I have been informed by Klaus that the Steering
have decided not to hold a QTO meeting in Tokyo, therefore this action


Simon Nicholson
Snr. Market Strategist
XML Technology Centre
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Tel:    +1 (650) 786 4238
Fax:    +1 (650) 786 5723
Email: simonn@eng.sun.com

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