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ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: ebXML Press Backgrounder

Attached is a copy of the ebXML press backgrounder used in the recent press 
briefing in San Francisco and London. This document has been submitted to the 
Quality Review team for review and is also serving as the basis of an ebXML 
Overview whitepaper, scheduled for completion over the next week or so.

The intent of the whitepaper I'm referring to is to provide a high level 
overview of ebXML. There will be additional whitepapers written that will delve 
into a lot more detail on the individual specifications, as they become 

This press backgrounder is serving as a placeholder for press purposes until we 
can finish the "official" whitepaper.

Comments are welcomed and should be copied to the above alias.


Ed Julson			Sun Microsystems
XML Marketing			901 San Antonio Rd.
XML Technology Center		MS UMPK16-201
				Palo Alto, CA 94303

650-786-9258 (x89258)

press backgrounder2.doc

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