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Subject: Conference Call - 31st October 11am PST
All, Our last conference call before Tokyo is tomorrow. I am aware that a number of this group will not be attending the Tokyo meeting, and therefore this call is important to set the agenda for those of us who will be attending. Proposed agenda for our call as follows: - ebXML Web Site - White Paper - Marketing support for Proof of Concept demo - Media Tour (Tokyo) - Agenda items for Tokyo meeting - AOB The call in number is as usual: 800 857 0378 pass code: 74751 Look forward to speaking with you tomorrow. Simon =========================================================================== Simon Nicholson Snr. Market Strategist XML Technology Centre Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tel: +1 (650) 786 4238 Fax: +1 (650) 786 5723 Email: simonn@eng.sun.com
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