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ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: Re: APEC declaration

Dear MAE team members,

    In Hong Kong, we, the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education have hold a one day
ebXML seminar on 11 Nov. (right after the Tokyo Workshop), with three guest speakers,
Krishna Sank from POCK, Antoine London from biz process, Daniel Lingo from PTA and
a paper on "business : integrating Business and IT becomes critical"  submitted by
Mr. Mercy from MEAGER INTERNATIONAL.  There are 116 participants, 50% of
them from EC/EB.  The result was great, a couple of e-biz development companies in HK
will start to adopt the ebXML based TRP as their first phase, and target on completed
conformance to the spec from ebXML initiative.

   Here, I would like to thank those three guest speakers above and Mr Mercy for submitting a paper
for the seminar.


Kit K. Ko
CC: Professor Lo (Principal of TY Nexus)

ÃÖÅÂâ wrote:

> Dear MAE Team members
> Definitely, the APEC Initiative provides us an opportunity to voice the ebXML Initiative.
> As we all are keenly aware, lowering the barriers to e-business is more than essential in realizing an actual global e-business.  One reason why we gathered together under the name of ebXML is to promote global e-business.
> ¡°President Clinton and the APEC Leaders will call for close cooperation with the Global Business Dialogue on E-Commerce and other private sector entities to join with government to help create digital bridges in the APEC region.¡±
> Don¡¯t you think the bridging can be made between the APEC and the ebXML Asia as well as the ebXML Initiative?  The ebXML Asia, which I proposed at the Tokyo ebXML meeting, starts with the intention to promote global and regional e-business and reduce barriers to e-business.  Coincidently, the ebXML Asia is located in the APEC region.  The ebXML Initiative¡¯s approach to the APEC, I think, can be enhanced through the ebXML Asia.
> Here, I cordially ask MAE team¡¯s support.
> The Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce (KIEC) will hold an ebXML workshop in Korea.  At the KIEC¡¯s ebXML workshop to be held on 6 Dec., Japan and Taiwan intend to contribute by making a presentation.  As I proposed in the Tokyo meeting, if marketing team makes a presentation on overall work of the ebXML Initiative in the KIEC¡¯s ebXML workshop, awareness on ebXML Initiative in Asian region can be greatly promoted.  The support of MAE Team will be of great help for KIEC to promote ebXML Initiative in Korea.
> The first ebXML Asia meeting is to be held 7-8 Dec. in Seoul, Korea.  The agenda of first ebXML Asia meeting include regional POC, Asian region registry & repository, development of eBusiness solutions compliant to ebXML specification, etc.  If marketing team can participate and make comments, the first ebXML Asia meeting will become more valuable.
> As we know, however good technologies and standards we make, they are of no use if users are not aware of them.  The role of MAE team is critical for the successful standardization of the ebXML Initiative.  It is clear that the support of MAE team to the KIEC¡¯s ebXML workshop and the first ebXML Asia meeting will significantly contribute to promoting the ebXML Initiative in Asia.
> Also, please send me the recorded ebXML videos and PowerPoint materials when they are ready.  Those materials will help the KIEC to promote the ebXML Initiative in Korea.
> Regards.
> Tae-Chang Choi
> Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <AlanKotok@cs.com>
> To: <ebxml-awareness@lists.ebxml.org>
> Cc: <tboyle@rosehill.net>; <akotok@disa.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 10:31 AM
> Subject: APEC declaration
> > TO:  MAE team
> >
> > Todd Boyle, an ebXML participant, pointed out provisions of the recently
> > completed Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Brunei that
> > encourage lowering the barriers to e-business around the world. President
> > Clinton, Russian president Putin, and most other leaders in the region
> > attended the meeting.  See the White House fact sheet for details:
> > http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/New/november2000/fact11_15.html .
> >
> > This initiative may offer us an opportunity to make some noise about ebXML.
> > One of the main objectives of ebXML is to lower the barriers to e-business.
> > As a result, we can connect these good intentions to a way to get them done.
> > Worth discussing further?  Best regards.
> >
> > Alan Kotok
> > AlanKotok@cs.com
> > http://myfreeoffice.com/techjournalist/

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