ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: The Growth Of The Internet Means Business Needs More EDI, Not Less

"The Growth Of The Internet Means Business Needs More EDI, Not Less," by
Ken Vollmer (April 9, 2001) in InternetWeek;  see

"During the past several years, it has been all too common to hear
"experts" denigrate the potential of EDI in favor of some new solutions
just around the corner. However, it is no coincidence that both ebXML
and BizTalk Server--leading XML-based initiatives to build widespread
e-business functionality--are fully supporting existing EDI
transactions. After a lengthy review of the available options, the
sponsoring organizations came to the same conclusion: EDI is the only
practical e-business standard that makes sense for basic functionality
at this time."

William J. Kammerer
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+1 614 791-1600

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