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Subject: 16 Mar. Conference Call notice
Business Process Team A special conference call will be held on Thursday 16 Mar. at 3:00 p.m. US Eastern Time. Access the call by dialing +1 (732) 336-6000 followed by a PIN of 8327#. Discussion will include the following topics that we were not able to complete on Monday. 1. Review metamodel development plan (leaders want draft information at the earliest possible moment) 2. Check status on metamodel submissions (due Mar. 10) 3. Firm up plans for the Seattle workshop (week of Apr. 3) 4. Collect comments on the ebXML Requirements Specification (version 0.60 of Working Draft 3) 5. Agree on BP website update information, i.e., members, leadership, mission, vision, deliverables, etc. 6. Check status of Brussels reservations Best regards, Paul Levine
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