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Subject: FW: Model review time!
Another requirement for the BP metamodel? -forwarded by Bob Haugen -----Original Message----- From: Nieman, Scott [SMTP:Scott.Nieman@NorstanConsulting.com] Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 12:11 PM To: 'Yutaka Yoshida'; ebxml-regrep@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: RE: Model review time! <Scott>The point of this was that the ebXML Business Process project team was going to give us a checklist of required items in a submission, and the software could verify if the items in the checklist were present. This is their definition of the "metamodel". So if the submission was in a format that we could analysis (e.g., XMI - if that works for us), we could parse it, and verify its integrity.</Scott>
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