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Subject: RE: Classification and discovery
>>GUIDE was developed by you and I don't know who all else >>outside of ebXML (as far as I can tell) and then dropped in our laps >>just before Tokyo as if it was the answer to every aspect of >>ebXML and all our hopes and dreams. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bob - that's not accurate - GUIDE was developed prior to SJ - and was presented at SJ and formally then submitted to the ebXML Executive so that the whole work is available for use in ebXML, just as IBM did with TPA. <<<<<<<<<<<<< I meant SJ, wrote Tokyo. Slip of the fingers, typing too fast. The question remains, did RegRep or any other ebXML work group adopt it? TPA was not only formally adopted, but given its own work group, and the authors have worked hard to align with all of the other relevant work groups. You appear to be saying we should align with you. That might be appropriate if GUIDE was adopted by RegRep, but even then, if you are serious, you will try to align with other groups, which means carefully reading their contributions instead of trying to substitute your own ideas everywhere possible. The position of the BP group, endorsed by the steering committee as far as I know, is that there needs to be one and only one metamodel for ebXML. CC and TPA are collaborating with BP in that effort. We all want to work with RegRep. If GUIDE is adopted by RegRep, then we will work with GUIDE. -Bob Haugen
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