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Subject: RE: Classification and discovery
Message text written by Bob Haugen >several members of the BP group met with them >in SJ; Marty did an overlay diagram showing how TPA >mapped to the current BP metamodel; we decided >in general how the different models would be merged; >etc. >It was a very collegial process by the worker bees. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bob, yep, nothing every happens without good people investing time and good reasons being out there. >f) Lots of this happening, everyone agrees > that ebXML GUIDE makes sense and > we go back to b) and make a decision. I don't see how you can call it ebXML GUIDE yet. You are representing this as if it were already adopted by RegRep, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You've been pressing me to say this - and I've been studiously avoiding it! Right now it's in the RegRep discussion document and as you noted above with the TPA example all the touch points and reasons why are being expressed. This is now all about touch-n-feel and how comfortable people are with what they see. < >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note, I am not saying it does not make sense, but (for example) it looks like you have embedded a workflow-like process model in your classification schema, where one element is linked directly to the one next and previous elements. BP rejected that kind of model in our first meeting, for reasons that I could go into in detail if necessary, but the point is that many design decisions have been made in each working group that GUIDE appears to override. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is exactly why the GUIDE spec' is out there in its current form - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have something better for workflow - lets get it done and replace it with what you have. It was never intended to be anything more than a simple place holder in lieu of to aid understanding of the big picture. It actually even SAYS that in the GUIDE spec's - that this will be replaced by what BP/CC are working on! I keep saying though - where is this BP XML???? < >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So even if GUIDE were a good idea, the degree of overlap is so great that it would be a long and difficult negotiation process to get all the working groups to even consider it, given the tight schedules everybody is on anyway. < Oh yeah? Look it Bob - that's what we HAVE TO DO. It's called ebXML - if we don;t do this - nothing works. I don;t buy this 'difficult process' thing. OASIS have looked at this for two years, we have the underpinning, and when you see the RegRep work I believe you will see that putting it all together is where we are at and the time is now. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So if RegRep won't champion it, I don't see how it is a practical answer for BP. < >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yep -and over 300 people downloaded the GUIDE spec's in one day, and over 50 signed up for the mailing list. The bottom line on this is we cannot duck this bullet. We need the functionality that GUIDE is encapsulating any which way you want to slice it - and GUIDE is one heck of a jump start in the right direction to getting to the solution. With an open public team effort behind this we will move this the rest of the way. Thanks, DW.
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