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Subject: RE: Classification and discovery
David, Let me restate upfront: if RegRep adopts GUIDE, it will change my attitude immediately. <<<<<<<<<< I don't see how you can call it ebXML GUIDE yet. You are representing this as if it were already adopted by RegRep, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >You've been pressing me to say this - and >I've been studiously avoiding it! Right now >it's in the RegRep discussion document Why are you avoiding it? It would have saved a couple of useless messages. Something that is adopted by another ebXML group is very different from somebody's good idea from out of the blue where they insist "if we don;t do this - nothing works." >It was never intended to be anything more than >a simple place holder in lieu of to aid understanding >of the big picture. It actually even SAYS that in the >GUIDE spec's - that this will be replaced by what >BP/CC are working on! Good. I did not get that impression. That would make it easier, assuming GUIDE is something we all need to use. At this point, I will leave it to the project leaders to decide if we do or not. -Bob Haugen
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