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Subject: RE: Xtreme Ease-of-Implementation
Cory, Nothing in my proposal should be interpreted as requiring monolothic implementation or disallowing off-the-shelf components. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify, Bob Haugen -----Original Message----- From: Cory Casanave [SMTP:cory-c@dataaccess.com] Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 10:19 AM To: Bob Haugen; 'ebXML-BP@llists.ebxml.org' Subject: RE: Xtreme Ease-of-Implementation Bob, Thanks for starting this - I think how this is all to be used is a valuable perspective. I certainly agree with your perspective that this needs to be very ease to use and almost instant to put in place. I have some different ideas but have not figured out if they are substantially different or not. The basic mindset difference is one of a component technology as opposed to a "collaboration protocol package" which sounds somewhat monolithic (but may not be). I would hope that "packages" of this sort would not have to come from "the big guy" but may come as off-the-shelf components in an open marketplace, allowing "the small guy" to deal with any big guy. This would, of course, also allow any big guy to supply such a component suite. Which brings me to the second part, that a "collaboration protocol package" should not be one thing but a suite of components that address various business and technical requirements, allowing the user to build on or substitute components as they need to support their business processes or integrate with their information system. These components should follow the business functionality "units" (E.G. Commercial transaction to collaboration protocol) as seen in the modeling. This should all be tied together with high-level component tooling that allows diverse implementations of standard protocols. We should also seek to separate the business componentry from the technical componentry, so that the business functionality can be used for multiple middlewares, not just EbXml (I love it, but lets recognize the diverse nature of the world). This kind of component tooling and marketplace would serve the big guy and small guy alike, invigorating the acceptance of electronic business. Regards, Cory
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