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Subject: Re: WIP - ebXML Vancouver - Suggested Reading for CBP and Analysis Team

The list below is a "Top 6 Must Read List" for anyone serious about
maintaining an understanding of the ebXML Business Process Project Team
efforts and the ebXML Initiative. Thank you for noting each document's URL
address. I will email the list to the entire BP PT for their reading

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hayes, Brian" <Brian.Hayes@Commerceone.com>
To: "Jim Clark (E-mail)" <jdc-icot@lcc.net>; "Nita Sharma (E-mail)"
<nsharma@netfish.com>; "David Welsh (E-mail)" <David.Welsh@nordstrom.com>;
"Karsten Riemer (E-mail)" <karsten.riemer@sun.com>; "Bob Haugen (E-mail)"
<linkage@interaccess.com>; "Larissa Leybovich (E-mail)"
<lleybovich@vitria.com>; "Marcia L. McLure Ph. D. (E-mail)"
<marcia.mclure@mmiec.com>; "Paul R. Levine (E-mail)"
<plevine@telcordia.com>; "Stephan de Jong (E-mail)"
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 9:17 AM
Subject: WIP - ebXML Vancouver - Suggested Reading for CBP and Analysis Team

> I think we should send out a suggested reading list for the CBP and
> Team.  Here's a start of a list (from the BP Editor face-to-face).  Feel
> free to add to the list and then we can send to the list (e.g. we may want
> to reference some emails in the archives).  We may want to make this a
> reading list for the greater BP team too.
> In approximate order of importance:
> 1.  Review the latest Business Process Worksheets document see the
> http://lists.ebxml.org/archives/ebxml-ccbp-analysis/.  The last one I sent
> out is
> http://lists.ebxml.org/archives/ebxml-ccbp-analysis/200101/msg00011.html.
> Naturally, if you have any input/questions before the meeting, post them
> the ebxml-ccbp-analysis list so we can update the document before we meet.
> 2.  Review the ebXML Technical Architecture Specification. A link to it
> be found at http://www.ebxml.org/specdrafts/specs_for_review.htm.
> to the Business Process Editor, I think the important things are: business
> process, core components, and the registry/repository.
> 3. Look at the Common Business Process Catalog. A link to it can be found
> http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/jdt/deliverables.html.  If you decide
> review it in detail, your updates to the document are most welcomed.
> 4.  Read or familiarize yourself with the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology
> (TMWG N090).  It's the methodology we are trying to make easier with the
> Worksheets.  I wouldn't try to read it all in one sitting. If you don't
> understand something, take notes and well send them to the TMWG folks for
> clarification. You can find a link to the document at
> http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/jdt/resources/.
> 5.  Take a look at the Business Process Specification Template.  It will
> give you a feeling of some of the information that would be captured
> modeling.  The examples in the template are far from complete.  There is a
> link to it on http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/jdt/deliverables.html.
> 6. If you get this far and if you have been following the work on the
> Business Process Specification Schema, you may want to review it.  A link
> it can be found at

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