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ebxml-bp message

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Subject: RE: ebXML and RosettaNet

Maybe it would be useful to define what people mean,
or what the possibilities might be, in the subject context:

* using RosettaNet documents with everything else ebXML
* using RosettaNet PIPs with ebXML software at each end
  (and maintaining expected PIP behavior)
* PIPs with RNet software at one end and ebXML at the other
* RosettaNet consortium migrating everything into ebXML
* RosettaNet using ebXML TRP and keeping everything else as-is
* some other configuration...
* RosettaNet 1.0 vs 2.0 for all of the above...

One question:  is it common for RosettaNet trading partners
to have RNet software from different vendors?

-Bob Haugen

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